
What is Online Together?

Online Together works in digital equity advocacy. It is intending to operate under IRS Section 501(c)(4) as a Social Welfare organization, and filing is underway.

What is your mission?

Online Together assists municipalities, school districts, and county entities in establishing digital equity for all residents.

Online Together operates within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Online Together recognizes the need to bring high-quality, affordable, equitable broadband internet to all Pennsylvania residents, businesses, and anchor institutions, as well as devices that meet the needs of each user, technical support to maintain and use their devices and internet connection robustly, and the education to use them safely, confidently, and independently.

How are you funded?

Online Together enters into contracted financial agreements with interested parties, foundations, and federal and state funders. We are not asking for charitable giving from individuals at this time.

How can Online Together help my organization?

Online Together can help your organization learn about and spread information about federal benefits to your regional residents and organization’s constituents, raise awareness of federal or state grant opportunities related to broadband access and digital equity initiatives, and help you build or join existing regional, statewide, or national digital equity and access coalitions.

Why are you Doing this?

Equitable access to broadband internet, and the tools and knowledge to use it, is one of the significant issues of our time. It is infrastructure. It is economic development. It is service, healthcare, workforce training, and education delivery. Online Together wants to join with others doing this good work to ensure everyone can get online, everywhere, together.