Access for Everyone

Anchor Institutions – 10 Gbps

Our neighborhood churches, the community center with the indoor basketball court, the pool at the Y, the senior center serving low-cost meals for our elders, and the VFW hall where you vote – these are our anchor institutions.

These and others, such as hospitals and universities, serve as points of contact and information and resource distribution during good times – and during times of crises.

They must be able to be and stay online with speeds fast enough to accommodate dozens, if not scores, of neighbors simultaneously using their internet connection to conduct video calls, download large PDFs, complete web forms, and monitor urgent regional resources and public safety information. They just have resilient connections that can reliably help neighbors stay in touch, learn information, and grow.

How that happens might look different for every community because each community does things its way. But each needs the same broad road to access the internet. And that is a solid, 10Gbps connection.

Households – 1-2 Gbps

Home is where we unwind and spend time with loved ones. But now more than ever, it is also where we work, engage with classmates, learn new skills, and build our futures – often online and often while others are using the same network connection to do the same.

Today, households need more than the minimum definition of “broadband.” Homes need powerfully fast access to stream high-definition video seamlessly, enable communications between dozens of home-based IoT devices, accommodate multiple users, and future-proof their infrastructure to be ready for new technologies in two or three years or even a decade out.

What is fast today will be amusingly slow in a decade. Prepare homes today for that future so families can move in lock step with the technological waves of progress that continue to enrich our communities and lives.

Connect each household with gigabit connectivity – 1-2 Gbps should be the goal for every residence in every community today. In just a few short years, residential 10Gbps service will be standard, so why are municipalities focusing on five-year plans to connect houses with 100 Mbps services? Make it blazing fast today, so we are ready for tomorrow’s challenges and rewards.

Ubiquitous LTE

From residents in rural communities to small businesses to students wandering through campus, ubiquitous LTE is a way to ensure steady and secure connectivity. Public safety officials rely on widespread, blanketed coverage areas to locate and rapidly deploy in emergencies, and governing agencies need it to communicate with and monitor critical infrastructure. While the speeds may vary depending on the technologies used, building the systems today to provide widespread coverage that can grow with tomorrow’s advances is paramount to supporting common interests in business development, social well being, and public safety.